St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Christmas Services Update and Moving Worship Online

Dear St. Andreans,

As we watch the news and hear about the rise in Covid cases, both provincially and in Ottawa, the Kirk Session decided it was necessary to meet and discuss how this might impact our upcoming in-person worship services. From what we currently know, the new Omicron variant is highly transmissible, and we have been asked by federal and local public health officials to limit our in-person contacts in order to help slow its transmission. Understanding all this, the Kirk Session met Wednesday, December 22nd and made the decision that, effective immediately, St. Andrew’s will cease in person worship and continue to worship online only through the livestreamed services that are recorded and posted to youtube. There is currently no date in place for a return to in-person worship, but the situation will be monitored, and this decision will be revisited regularly, including at each upcoming Kirk Session meeting. You will find a summary below that clarifies what is happening day by day and service by service over the next few weeks.

We are sad about this. It was a difficult decision. Like many of you we had planned for a very different Christmas than what we are now experiencing. That said, we know we will get through this once more, and that the pandemic will end. Moreover, we are not unprepared for this. Everything we have been doing for the last 21 months prepares us. We know how to worship online and have developed the skills and ability to do it well. And we are encouraged by the care we have for each other at St. Andrew’s. We have in place a network of elders, pastoral supporters and various study and fellowship groups that keep in touch and connect. If you want more information about any of these let us know. We have a prayer group that receives confidential prayer requests and lifts them up to God daily on our behalf.

We are not alone in this and you are not alone. If you are feeling that way reach out to your elder or a friend, to Reverend Dimock or the person you know best at the church,

Kirk Session will continue to visit the question of a return to in person worship regularly and to provide regular updates to you all.

We pray for you all a safe, happy and healthy Merry Christmas.

Heather Pilkey Karen Dimock

Administrative Clerk of Session Minister


December 24th: the Christmas Eve services will be live-streamed at 7 pm and 10 pm. They can be accessed through the church website or directly through the youtube channel

December 25th: in order to give our technical team a much needed break, the service for Christmas day had not been planned to happen online. This means there will not be a Christmas Day Service, but we invite you to go to the website and enjoy one of our other services. Last year’s online Christmas pageant will be made available through the website for Christmas Day.

Sunday December 26th, Boxing Day: there will be a live-streamed 10 am service that you can access through the website.

Sunday January 2nd: there will be live-streamed 10 am service with Reverend Bob Hill as our guest preacher .

January 9th and beyond: there will be live-streamed 10 am service.