St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Fed by the Crumbs

Image: Chris Chidsey on

Today was the day of Communion. This is the day when we break bread together and remember the last supper and the sacrifice of our Lord on our behalf. We take this time to share and celebrate the life and work of Jesus. When we gather to accept the gift of the bread (the body) and the wine (the blood) of our Saviour we do so together. Together people of faith and of the Bible. Together.

Who are we that are worthy to gather together and celebrate his life and work?  Is it because we gather in a Church? Is it because we call ourselves Christians? Is it because we have learned, the Bible?  Is it because we consume the bread and the wine?

Huda led the service this Sunday and spoke of Matthew 15:10-28.

This is the story of Jesus and the woman of Canaan who came to Jesus to ask for his help in healing her daughter from a demon. We are taken aback to hear to begin with, words of dismissal and scorn from Jesus directed to her. He speaks that he is the shepherd of “only the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. Yet the woman persists, we find that Jesus was telling a lesson to his disciples. It is faith that the woman brings.

‘Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.’ And her daughter was healed instantly.

We learn then from Huda’s sermon the answer to the earlier questions. It is not a Church, or because we call ourselves Christians, it is not because we read the Bible, nor eat the bread and wine.

No, it is trust and Faith in Jesus, the smallest and the greatest gift we are given.Together.

We are fed by the crumbs and need no more.

Noral R.