St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Trinity Sunday is dedicated to the Christian belief in the Trinity and celebrates this Christian doctrine, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

As Rev. Dimock stated the concept of the Holy Trinity can never be completely understood. That is the mystery.  To understand the Trinity is to understand God more fully.  It would appear that I am still on that path.  It would also seem that this is the oldest journey for us in the church.

Who is God to us?  God is integral to who we are.  We do not need to barter for the love of God.  The one who made us loves us - even when we act or think otherwise.

Where is God when we are surrounded by chaos, disaster, sadness or loneliness?  He is still there.  I liked this quote: 'We never face chaotic situations alone. Chaos may reek havoc in our life situations, but it can never out maneuver God.'

Jeanie H.