St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is always one of my favourite days of the church year.  I really enjoy it when the adult choir, children's choir and children of the church school enacted the excitement of the return of Jesus to Jerusalem.  It is invariably invigorating to see the children parade in with their palm branches, and this year was no exception.  I was also well pleased and proud to hear the children's choir sing this morning.  

I also enjoy Palm Sunday because it foreshadows spring.  It was fun to see the youth group this morning as the young people worked to construct a small greenhouse and plant seeds.  The seedlings that grow will be transplanted by the youth this year into CHEO's Healing Garden:  where they will be used as teaching tools for patients of CHEO's eating disorders clinic to help them learn about healthy eating, and where they will be enjoyed by CHEO inpatients who will be able to eat the vegetables and fruits they grow, work in the garden, and simply enjoy being outside.

Palm Sunday is a time that foreshadows new beginnings, and after a long, difficult, cold winter, and I look forward to Easter next week.
