St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday, December 6

Today is the second Sunday of Advent and it was also the celebration of the Lord's Table when we join together as one community in Holy Communion.  It is always a very special time for me to be a participant in this Sacrament.

This second Sunday of Advent centred on the theme"Nothing is impossible with God" taken from our New Testament reading from Luke 1: 26-38 when Mary is told that she will have a child and His name will be Jesus--something that would normally be impossible.

When the candle of Peace was lit at the beginning of the service, I was struck with the thought of how hard it is to believe that we can have peace in this world, when our news is replete with  so  many heinous acts of atrocity and fanaticism happening so regularly all around the world.

Yet,  as Christians we hold on to the hope and put our faith in God's word.

Rev Dimock masterfully crafted her sermon around that time of the announcement to Mary   by the Angel Gabriel and how God would make possible, what was impossible.  A similar eventhad become reality forElizabeth and for Sarah and Abraham in ancient times and now it was Mary's time. 

And yes, I too had flashbacks of many times when the future looked bleak and impossible and then ------ there was always a way out, always  light at the end of the tunnel.  God was there, as He is in every situation, and with God nothing is impossible. 

So as we were nurturedat the Lord's Table and became part of what had been deemed impossible, I felt a surge of renewed faith in God, in the future and in a hope for PEACE.

God is in charge and He is the Alpha and Omega.

It was good to be in the house of the Lord.

Beulah P.