St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday, May 1

It was a "home-coming" with a difference, being greeted by May showers and a chilly 6 degrees temperature, after "snow-birding" in the south.  But the warmth of our church family and friends, the apparent greeting of the huge doors, the familiar pews, those stately pillars, all  reinforced the feeling that indeed, it is good to be back home.

And  to be part of this service of Affirmation of Baptism and Profession of Faith of six of our youth,  several  of whom I have known for years, was indeed a high-point. How touching it was, as we welcomed them as new members to our congregation, through confirmation of their faith. This  powerful moment would most likely remain with them always and they would be able to draw strength from it.

Then, as I listened intently to Rev. Dr. Sandy Scott's sermon entitled "Blessings and Joy" I couldn't agree with him more that we too must be a blessing to those with whom we come in contact. The Hymn "May God's love be fixed on you" was appropriately a hymn of the blessing  of the congregation on these young people who at this crucial age declared their affirmation  of God's covenant made to them at Baptism.

 Ah! What a joy it was to be in the house of the Lord!

 Beulah P.