St. Andrew's Ottawa

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The Journey With Jesus: Holy Week In Jerusalem

During Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem events move quickly. The crowds that cry Hosanna on Palm Sunday, will gather again over the next days to hear Jesus teach in the temple, while at the same time their religious leaders will be plotting his death. On Thursday evening Jesus shares the Passover meal with his disciples, after which he is betrayed and handed over for trial. By Friday it looks like all is over. The crowds that cried Hosanna on Sunday, cry out for his crucifixion and he is killed and laid to rest. On Saturday as Jesus lies dead to the world, the people of God observe the Sabbath…

And then, just when it all appeared to be over, when it looked like death and darkness had triumphed, very early on Sunday morning a new day dawned…


You are invited to read through these passages each day this week as we spend time with Jesus through his final days in Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday, March 20—Luke 19:29–48

Monday, March 21—Luke 20:1–18

Tuesday, March 22—Luke 20:19–47

Wednesday, March 23—Luke 21:1–38

Thursday, March 24—Luke 22:1–71

Friday, March 25—Luke 23:1–55

Saturday, March 26—Luke 23:56; Psalms 22–23

Easter Sunday, March 27—Luke 24:1–53