St. Andrew's Ottawa

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T’was just before Christmas

The days before Christmas often seem a marathon to survive. We are filled with the spirit of giving but the fear of forgetting someone. We run often full out in an attempt to make the most of the time and obligations we have. It is a time of joy and anxiety. A time of blessings and commitments. This can be a time to cherish and a time to dread. Our Longest Night service does such a special job of helping those who may be feeling these conflicting emotions. A chance to share the joy and the fear in loving embrace of the truth of God’s love.

Today we celebrated with the children the work and Ministry of music led by Stacey. She has been one to take up the mantle of the children’s music through the Junior choir. She has put together a program that we are all very proud of. The choir has preformed at many events including our wonderful anniversary dinner. She will be missed and as Karen said she has been our gift.

Karen shared the story of Grandma Ida and Kate. A young woman unwed with child and the love and home she found in God’s church with Grandma Ida The story tells of the best of the Christian spirit both at Christmas and beyond. Where Granddam Ida showed her love and compassion not with judgmental words or arms length support but by taking the first step at welcoming to the church one in need and one who could have easily been politely ignored. Then by embracing the young woman with all her baggage in a loving embrace helping to ensure that the family that she needed was there for her.

All three of these things remind us that in this hectic, wonderful, scary loving anxiety filled time. That we sometimes forget to give the greatest gift of all God’s love to all including our selves.

May each of you extend to all the love and caring that Jesus taught us and welcome in that love for ourselves.

Gods Blessing on the birth of our Saviour.

Noral R.