St. Andrew's Ottawa

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December 25, 2022 – 10:30 AM Christmas Day


Order of Service

“Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all

the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the

Messiah, the Lord.”

Luke 2:10b-11

The Gathering: We Come into God’s Presence

*Please rise and stand as you are able.

Organ Prelude Chorale Prelude on “In dulci jubilo” J. S. Bach

Matthew Larkin

Welcome and Announcements

*Hymn 146 Angels from the realms of glory “Regent Square”

Henry T. Smart (1813-1879) Words: James Montgomery (1771-1854)

*Call to Worship from Isaiah 9:2,6 Rev. Dr. Karen Dimock

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.

For a child has been born for us,

a son given to us;

authority rests upon his shoulders;

and he is named

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlast of Peace.

Prayers of Approach

Call to Confession**

Prayer of Confession and Words of Forgiveness

Holy God, too often we feel as if change is hopeless, the problems of this world

too big,

the path forward is unclear, and we are not confident that we can make a


Sometimes we give up hope

(The candle of hope is snuffed out).

Together we pray

Forgive us for extinguishing Hope

Holy God, too often we believe that peace is a thing of fairy tales. Our spirits

are anxious and our bodies are weary.

Our world is fractured. Instead of praying for peace- both in ourselves and in

society- we assume that peace is no longer on the table and sometimes we

give up on it

(The candle of peace is snuffed out).

Together we pray

Forgive us for extinguishing Peace

Holy God, too often we paint joy as naïve, a luxury reserved for children and


We forget that you ate with friends, went to weddings, laughed and rested and

hiked up mountains.

We forget that you knew joy and that you want joy for us in this. Forgive us

for when we have turned from your light

(The candle of joy is snuffed out).

Together we pray

Forgive us for extinguishing Joy

Holy God, we confess that sometimes we treat love like a vending machine.

We put some coins in and assume we will get something back. However in our

wisest moments we also know that love is not meant to keep score.

It is meant to overflow and spill out to our neighbours, to be what you are

doing to transform the world. Forgive us for holding love so tightly.

(The candle of love is snuffed out).

Together we pray

Forgive us for extinguishing Love

Assurance of Forgiveness

(As the candles of hope, peace and joy are relit from the Christ candle.)

We are forgiven

We are loved

The good news of this day, the hope, the peace, the joy and the love

of this day,

They exist for you.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Psalm 96 (responsive) - Sing to the Lord a new song

Prayer for Illumination** Melanie Abeysundera

Invitation to the Offering**

Like Mary,

we believe in cherishing the good news.

Like the angels,

we believe in singing God’s praise

Like the shepherds,

we believe that God’s presence in our life is something worth

talking about

Like the generations before,

we believe that God is with us.

Like the generations to come,

we believe that God is with us.

God is here, God is love,

Thanks be to God

We Respond to God’s Word

Scripture Reading Luke 2:1-20 NT Pg. 55

Hymn 149 Away in a manger “Cradle Song”

W.J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) Words: Children’s Book (1885)

Children’s Time

Hymn 168 See amid the winter’s snow “Humility”

John Goss (1800-1880) Words: Edward Caswell (1814-1878)

Poetic Reading of John 1:1-5** Jeanie Hicks and Joan Rivard

Anthem Solo In the bleak midwinter Gustav Holst (1874-1934)

Michael Carty

Meditation God dwells with us

Prayers of the People

Bidding: O God of Love

Draw us together in your light

The Sending: We Go out into God’s World

Hymn 139 Hark! The herald angels sing “Mendelssohn”

Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) Words: Charles Wesley (1707-1788)

Prayer of Dedication

Charge and Benediction

Organ Postlude Chorale Prelude on “In dulci jubilo” J. S. Bach