St. Andrew's Ottawa

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All of our relations

All my relations is an Aboriginal saying which loosely translates to "we are all related/connected"

Today, we were privileged to hear reflections from Rev Linda of St Marks Presbyterian Church Orillia and of her work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Her thoughts tied nicely with the Gospel of Mark  that was read - a story of conflict, where Jesus was accused by his family and teachers of the law. This story of strife is not too different from the current state of our church.

The Presbyterian Church was responsible for 11 Residential schools prior to the 1920s. An institute that was supposed to love and be Christ’s example was responsible for so much strife among our brothers and sisters in the Indigenous communities.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. We must right the wrongs and seek forgiveness of our past. We must acknowledge the extreme hardships that we caused, learn from our mistakes. 

When we have compassion for the wounds of others, we will get closer to Jesus. And then we might hear him say "This is my family, all my relations".

Koko B.