St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday, May 4

At one of my Church School lessons this past week, we were discussing Thomas and his doubting the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus said to Thomas (John 20:27) “Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing.”

I find with each church school class, the children ask questions that end up being a lesson for me as well. How strong IS MY faith? Do I have the occasional tendency to also be a doubting Thomas? Through the discussion with the children and how we believe in God because we “just do”. This began the discussion of creation and the “Big Bang Theory”. One child asked “Who made the Big Bang happen”. That to me was the most profound question. One that I could not provide an answer to the class, except to say: “That is why I have faith, there must be something bigger than all of this universe”.
