St. Andrew's Ottawa

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The Iona service is a monthly gathering for a time of readings, prayers and music. Quiet and contemplative, all are welcome to this meditative service of worship. This evening May 13th, at 7:30pm. Lord of life, You who flung the stars into the darkness, grant to us a sense of perspective, that we may feel awe and humility before your creation. Lighten our understanding of your presence all around. Kindle our will to be caring for your creation.

Bless to me O God
My soul that comes from on high.
Bless to me O God
My body that is of earth.
Bless to me O God
Each thing my eye sees
Each sound my ear hears.
Bless to me O God
Each scent that goes to my nostrils
Each taste that goes to my lips
Each ray that guides my way.