St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Today, November 18th, represents the day that our first son was welcomed to St Andrews church as a new member after being baptized this past summer. It was a blessing for our family to share this perfect moment of Love, Peace, and Joy, with our church community, and with our family and friends who came from Montréal for the event.

Sometimes, even most of the time, we are looking for God's presence; we are looking so far and sometimes missing that He is so near. He is simply reflected in friends who offer their time to share a special moment with you. He is simply reflected in friends who lovingly offer their time to help you cook for the reception. He is simply reflected in the words of the sermon you listen to and that give you tears of Peace. He is really as near to us as our hearts.

We certainly have special days and special moments in our life, and today was one of those. And we give thanks to our friends, to our community; we give thanks to God.

Laurentine M.