St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Be still and know ...

Rev. Dimock used the words from Genesis 28: 10-22 for today's sermon.  Sadly, the story of Jacob seems very modern - conniving, lying, cheating, inheritance and family estrangement. 

How often are we still?  Do we take time to be quiet and reflect on the blessings in our lives?  The fact we are not alone?  We are loved?  How often do we feel vulnerable?

This Sunday is a difficult time as we are confronted with the hatred and violence in New Zealand.  We pray for our Muslim neighbours who were physically vulnerable in their houses of worship.

'God was in this place and I did not know.'

In some reading about these words,  we have to ask if this is when Jacob suddenly becomes aware of the potential divinity with himself, the place where God can reside? Or, does it mean that only when we are not filled with our egos can we truly experience God’s presence? Both remind us how ever-present God can be and how easy it is to say “But I did not know.”

Jeanie H.