St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Communion Sunday

As we often connect with extended family over celebratory meals, Communion give us the opportunity to connect with our Christian Family.

This morning, we were thankful to have Karen with us and pray that healing of her concussion will continue.  Huda gave us a new look at the difficult concept of incarnation.  Through Lent, we are challenged to consider the question “Who do you say that I am?”

Huda had us consider Jesus in the temple, when Christ displayed anger not often displayed.  The destruction of the temple can be seen as the coming destruction of Christ’s earthly body.  And as a calling to us to overturn the tables of racism, sexism and ageism.

Today, when we so often witness the destruction of today’s temples, we pray that our initial anger is superseded by compassion and restorative action.

Billie S.