St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Covenant Sunday

Artwork created by Heather Mallet for St. Andrew’s Church Ottawa’s 175th Anniversary.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only
love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr.

On this Covenant Sunday we reflected on the generous response of the people of Paris to
assist those who were stranded and in shock over the horrific events of last Friday night. In
the face of attack it is easy to focus on the offence but when we see acts of charity and
kindness it reminds us that humans are created in the image of God.

Glory and praise are ascribed to God when the law of the spirit of life triumphs over the law of
sin and death. The generosity that was expressed in Paris is the fruit of compassion and
triumph of the human spirit.

Jesus demonstrated this when he defeated sin and death on the cross. He also reflected it in
his earthly life when he did not seek equality with God as something to be grasped but humbled himself even to the point of death.

The response of the people to show love and compassion on Friday night is encouraging but
how will France ultimately deal with this grief?

It is also shocking how this horrific event happened so soon after Remembrance Day.
The prayers of the people reminded us that God wants us to live peaceful lives. The church
need not give in to terror or fear for God is near and in control. Jesus said we are the light of
the world and no matter how dark things get this light will not go out.

The bible story today reminds us of how great things can happen out of a seeming hopeless
situation. Hannah was very depressed and turned to God for help. The birth of Samuel was the
answer to her sincere prayer and he was a great prophet. Hannah gave back her son as a gift
to the temple to glorify God.

So what is next? The practice of generosity is often portrayed in bible stories and we are to look for opportunities each day to give freely. It need not be money. It may be our time or energy.

The most generous thing we can do is give our hearts to God and walk humbly with Him. We
get our light from Christ and can accomplish nothing without him. As we bring the light of Christ into the dark places of this world things can truly be on earth as they are in heaven.


Sharon A.