St. Andrew's Ottawa

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COVID-19 Protocol & Registering to Attend

Dear St. Andreans,

Since the closing of the church in March, the Kirk Session has been working hard supporting our ministry team and making people feel as connected as possible. Now that we have moved into Phase 3 in Ottawa, our thinking has turned to how and when we can open our doors to resuming worship in the sanctuary, as safely and as carefully as possible. This will involve changes to the way we worship together.

We are following the guidelines laid out by Ottawa Public Health, and providing the situation remains stable in Ottawa, we will be opening the doors for people who wish to come into the sanctuary for private meditation each Wednesday, from 11:30 – 1:30, beginning August 19th. Worshipping together again in the sanctuary will begin again on Sunday, September 13th. We understand that people may feel reluctant – or are unable - to return right away and I want to assure you that the online service will be remaining.

Information about service time and how the pre-registration system is going to work will be provided in a later email and posted to the website. Protocols and regulations that people will need to follow will be sent out in the next while and will also be posted to the website. There will be a limited number of people allowed in the sanctuary, and the wearing of masks, hand sanitizing, physical distancing and other necessary measures will be followed. Information will be collected to allow for contact tracing, but it will be safeguarded and will not be used for any other purpose.

The sanctuary will only be open for the worship service and meditation on Wednesdays and will remain closed at all other times.

Karen will be returning August 19th, but if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

No matter where we are, or how we are worshipping, we remain a strong and resilient congregation, and I give thanks for all of you, every day.

Yours in Christ,
