St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Details, details, details...

Today, we welcomed back to St Andrews Rev. Fred Demaray, and the topic of his sermon was "Found in the details". We could not have sang a better song to bring home the message. "Open our eyes, illumine me - Sprit divine". Indeed we are all beckoned to open our hearts, our minds, our eyes, our ears and our beings, to see God all around, and celebrate him not just in the spectacular moments of our lives, but in those tiny details where he stacks things up to line with the bigger picture he's set out for us. 

As I listened, I was reminded of a saying that I am fond of: details, details, details. That's my go to sentence for curtailing a long winded and convoluted story ( or maybe I am just inherently impatient). In my mind, who said what to whom and what ensured is not really crucial. Its all about the outcome. I was reminded today though that details do matter. Consider this,  there's a reason you go through a home inspection or hire an architect when building or buying a home. For if we overlook the details such as the design, the materials, the number of rooms and bathrooms, etc surely we might wind up with  a design that doesn't make sense or doesn't work for you and your family. Similarly as Christians, our end goal is to see Christ someday, and to live with him - but if we don't pay attention to the details of our life and feed our souls the spiritual food we need to grow,how are we preparing for this meeting?

Reverend Demaray reminded me today, that details, details, details are important. Our God (like every good parent) is interested in the details of our life. It's a balancing act you see. You don't want to get so tied up in the details that you miss the big picture or focus too much on the broad picture that you overlook key details. This sermon left me reflecting on the details of my faith and walk with Christ. It was a reminder to look for and celebrate God in the details  while enjoying the journey of life which He has afforded me.

Silently now I wait for thee, Ready my God - thy will to see, Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit Divine"
-Clara H. Scott

Koko A.