St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Earth Day

On Friday April 22nd, 2016, let us honour God’s creation and celebrate Earth Day!

We are called to care for God’s creation in our daily lives: “The Earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” (Psalm 24:1) Mission & Outreach challenges you to achieve one - or more - of the activities below:

  • Worship God, pray, sing, and reflect on our calling to be caretakers of God’s creation.
  • Buy locally, shop at the local Farmers’ Market, and ask educational questions about what are the pest control methods they use, how many different types of produce they grow…etc.
  • Have a Less Trash Day.
  • Have a Less Meat Day or go Vegan or Vegetarian for the day.

Read more Earth Day suggestions here, or share some of your own below! Remember to share your stories, how you help care for God’s good world, emailing, or leaving a comment below.