St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Fearfully and wonderfully

When listening to Karen today about what happens when we are fearful, one of the recurring thoughts in my head is the fears that many of our local neighbours have been experiencing since Friday.  Some were directly in the tornados/storm with little protection, some have lost their homes and/or businesses, some are currently needing hospital care as a result of the tornados/storm, and some are still without power. 

This is the time we see a community come together and demonstrate the wonderful ways that God has created us to be loving and faithful neighbours - from those that have opened up their doors, to helping out at the local shelters etc..  While this how He wonderfully made us, we pray for all those living in fear of not sure what is next after this devastation and that we as His wonderful and faithful servants seek out ways that we can help our neighbours in need.

Colleen G.