St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Gifts to share

We got a taste of today's sermon from Rev. Dimock's weekly congregational email:
"So think of it like this: that as we use our gifts together, giving ourselves for each other, then our common life, lived for the common good, is like a beautiful piece of music, soaring to the heavens and giving glory to God."

The message in 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 is a favourite and resonates with me every day.  Like Corinth, Ottawa has diverse communities.   We all have gifts.  Our gifts are not tied to our status - although I wonder about that as I write it. 

I think of the gifts of students who don't believe they have any - or any status.  I think of the l'Arche communities around the world.  People with and without intellectual disabilities who share life in communities.  Mutual relationships and trust in God are at the heart of their journey together. They celebrate the unique value of every person and recognize their need of one another.  There is much to learn from their experiences.

Jeanie H.