St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Reading matthew's Gospel

Reading Matthew’s Gospel, an online discussion: Please join us!

We are trying something new! An online reading plan for Personal Bible Study coupled with a private forum for sharing our thoughts and ideas, our questions and our discoveries as we read.

Beginning August 2nd through Labour Day weekend we invite you to read through the Gospel of Matthew and then log in and join the discussion.

A reading plan will be provided by Reverend Karen as we begin,  and each week on Tuesdays, she will post a new set of questions for thought and discussion. As we read along you are invited to participate by posting in your own turn.

We haven’t done this before!  It is something of an experiment but our hope is that it will become a forum for community and sharing. A chance to further the opportunities for Group Bible Study, Discussion and growth in faith. To join you do have to sign up and the posts will only be available to those who are part of the group. As there are most certainly differences between a discussion online and discussion in a room together, we will post some guidelines for online participation and will be glad of any feedback and comments you have as the discussion unfolds.