St. Andrew's Ottawa

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October 6th, 2021 Covid 19 Protocol Update

October 6th, 2021

  Dear fellow St. Andreans,

The Kirk Session met this past Monday night and, as we have done since the pandemic began, we continued our discussion regarding the return to our Kent Street building for worship and other activities. These conversations are always guided by Ottawa Public Health and the provincial health authorities and include what protocols and requirements we will put in place to keep our church family and community as safe and healthy as we can. On October 4th we adopted some new guidelines regarding vaccination and I am writing to share those with you now along with plans for Sunday morning worship and Church School this fall.


Kirk Session understands that it is a matter of Christian faith to promote and support vaccination as this is a very real way in which we look out for each other and in particular the more vulnerable members of our community. We recognize that some people are medically unable to be vaccinated, and we encourage the remainder to be vaccinated. The Presbyterian Church in Canada has not provided any mandates on vaccination and is instead looking to Kirk Sessions to make the choices best for their own congregations. At St. Andrew's we had previously required choir members to be fully vaccinated, as well as youth over the age of 12, and their leaders. Covid Screening/ Contact tracing along with masking, distancing, hand sanitization and vaccines are five measure we can take, which on their own are not perfect, but together are our best chance of controlling the pandemic and being able to engage in more of the activities we used to enjoy together (eg: (masked) singing).

To that end, the Kirk Session has made the decision that proof of full vaccination is now required for those eligible, along with the continued use of masks, distancing, sanitizing and covid screening and contact tracing. This means that, beginning this Sunday, you will need to provide proof (e.g. your vaccine receipt) that you have received two vaccine doses, with your last dose being at least two weeks ago.

We recognize that this may be short notice for some people, so if you are not able to have your receipt by this Sunday, please just confirm verbally with the Elder at the door that you are fully vaccinated, and then plan to bring your receipt the next time you attend worship. If you have your receipt available, you can send it electronically to our office administrator Vivian Leir when you pre-register for worship (, or if you prefer, you can show it to the elder at the door on Sunday morning. A note will be made that you have given proof, and then you will not need to show it again. If you send it electronically to Vivian, it will be destroyed once it is attested to. This information will not be shared and everyone’s confidentiality will be respected.

We understand that not everyone will be able to meet the new requirements, and the online worship service continues to be livestreamed at 10 am with a recording posted to youtube for those not worshipping in person. No matter where you are worshipping, online coffee hour continues Sundays at noon on zoom will remain for everyone, as a time to connect and share. Please contact Reverend Dimock for the link to join in (

The five protocols required for worship (vaccination, masks, distancing, hand sanitizing and covid screening/contact tracing) are also going to be extended to weddings and funerals, commencing October 22nd, as well as other indoor St Andrew's programs. Should you and your Elder wish to visit indoors, abiding by the protocols will be at the comfort levels of you and your Elder.

Kirk Session recognizes that outdoor activities have different requirements, so while vaccination is not compulsory for participation outdoor events, it is strongly recommended.

Choir participation

We are not yet back to congregational singing, but the Choir has begun practising and will be joining us in worship on October 17th, which also happens to be Anniversary Sunday! As there is not enough room to distance properly in the choir loft, the choir will be in the sanctuary, and arrangements are being made to the sanctuary seating layout to ensure proper distancing between choir members and worshippers. They will be masked as they sing.

The Handbell Choir has also begun rehearsals and we greatly look forward to them returning as well. It will be wonderful to be able to once again celebrate the glory of God through the ministries these choirs provide.

Church School

Church school will remain online for now, every Sunday at noon on zoom. Sydney, our CE co-ordinator continues to send out a weekly email that includes the zoom link. Please reach out to her if you wish to receive it (

In addition to the online Sunday School the Christian Education Team is planning to have an in person and out of doors gathering of the Sunday School during the worship service once a month. The first of these will be October 31st and held in the courtyard beside the church. We are hopefully planning for a weekly hybrid model of Sunday School (ie in person and online) for the New Year and will keep you updated as plans progress.

The youth group is also meeting regularly, out of doors and in person. Again please contact Sydney for information and to participate (

Forest Church is a once a month gathering for all ages on Sunday afternoons. In September we went Apple Picking. On October 24th from 2-3pm at Parc des Portageurs, Gatineau, QC and on Sunday, Nov 28th from 2-3pm at Rockcliffe Park, Rockcliffe Driveway, Ottawa. ON.

Covid-19 protocols will be in place for all events: hand sanitizing, covid screening/contact tracing, masking, distancing and vaccination for those eligible.

There is a lot to read and digest here, so if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Reverend Karen Dimock ( or me (

Grace and Peace,

Heather Pilkey, Administrative Clerk of Session