St. Andrew's Ottawa

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On the road again

The last week before school starts found us in New York. This was the first trip there for Emma and a long overdue return for Christelle and I. We found a great place to stay on the Upper West Side and were blessed with good weather.  As we were only a few blocks away from Redeemer Presbyterian Church I attended both a classical - grand piano and string quartet - service on Sunday morning and a jazz service in the evening with full jazz band, saxophonist and all. I lucked out as Tim Keller returned to preach after his summer vacation. The auditorium was almost full in the morning, circa 700 people, with “only” maybe 500 at the evening service. Mind you there were about eight different services at the three Manhattan locations of Redeemer that day. 

If I was only to hear Tim Keller preach once in my life then Sunday’s theme of “patience” couldn’t have been more apt. The prospect of having to try to balance my interests with the wishes and desires of my two intrepid travelling companions could tempt me to say that on its own however patience is more fundamentally something I haven’t been too well-endowed with during my life. Anyway Tim didn’t disappoint with his message, I thoroughly enjoyed both services and we survived the week. So much so in fact that we certainly will not be waiting another twenty years to take a bite out of the Big Apple.  More info on Redeemer can be found at and on Tim Keller’s work at

Bruce F.