St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Our friendship with Jesus

A full and blessed service it was this morning! We gave thanks to God for the beautiful music that the handbell choir has provided to us over this past year, and we celebrated God’s love as we welcomed the communicants.

In a novel format for the sermon, we had Huda and Karen talk about Jesus as our friend and the peace that can embrace us as we let him in. It can be scary to be so vulnerable. It can also be a challenge when things happen in life that make us question our friendship with Jesus. As I sit back and reflect on this following the passing of a loved one this weekend, I know that regardless of all the questions and sense of loss, it is Jesus’ friendship and love that provides the most comfort and solace.

Jesus died and has risen to continue to walk with us on this journey — regardless of whether it is in life’s joys or sorrows — His love and friendship are never-ending.

Colleen G.