St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Pause Table

Over the past few years during exam time in December and April, St. Andrew’s supports the Pause Table at Carleton University.  This is coordinated in conjunction with the Carleton Ecumenical Chaplaincy.   The Carleton Ecumenical Chaplaincy is not funded by the university budget.  The university welcomes and accommodates the Chaplaincy but it is a not-for-profit corporation (charity) that depends on religious organizations and people of good will for its financial support.

The goal is to provide a ‘pause’ and a snack for students during exam time.  St. Andrew’s may partnered with another church for one morning during the exam period (10-2).  St. Andrean’s volunteer their time and either prepare or send goods to be shared with the students.  We are contacted by the Chaplaincy as to the date.

The following items have been popular:
- bananas, oranges, clementines, apples
- granola bars
- yoghurt
- bagels, cream cheese, peanut butter, jam
- baked goods - muffins, scones, biscuits, cookies
- sandwiches
- chocolate milk
- Wagon Wheels, Rice Krispie squares

The Chaplaincy supplies apple juice, coffee, tea, milk, sugar, stir sticks- coffee cups and cups for cold drinks as well as a coffee urn, kettle and toaster

We're volunteering with the Chaplaincy on April 16th, please sign up in Grant Hall if you're able to donate or spend a morning giving out snacks at Carleton.