St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Please pass the red crayon.

Today's sermon about "passing the red crayon" was quite intriguing to listen to, and resonated with my current ruminations on a number of issues, including the tragic circumstances of Attiwapiskat, as well as the decline in overall church attendance across mainline denominations in western countries documented in, among other places, an article in this month's Presbyterian Record

The Bible reading about the disabled panhandler who was cured by Christ's disciples was particularly evocative of thoughts about the place of St. Andrew's as the only privately-owned building in this section of Wellington street, bearing as it does the particular statue that marks it out front. 

I have no clear conclusions from this as yet: certainly, there are difficult circumstances facing the church as we contemplate reconciliation with Canada's aboriginal peoples while facing our own vulnerability to changing times.  Change is coming; change is here.  It was a significant reminder that the scriptures speak not just to their authors' times but to our times, much as the art Karen described in her kids' grade two classroom, speaks to us

Rebecca B.