St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Rally Sunday

Today was Rally Sunday a day of recommitment and renewal.

It is a joy to watch as the children take their place and make a vow to their journey through a new church year.

Today we blessed the church teachers and their remarkable commitment to the education of the children of all ages, this is dedication worthy of our support.

As part of the service today we also recognized the commitment of the choir and our music program a very nice tie in. It is good that we each year voice our vows to these works in the church and as a congregation vow our support for the efforts of these good people.

When I repaired downstairs I saw the volunteers making the soup, and corn, those working to ensure the setup of the tables and chairs outside and the puppet show downstairs.

It then struck me. No one had blessed them, no special service offered, no vows were taken, no pledges given. Yet here they were working as they always do, fall, winter, spring, summer. No church year, no special timetable no calendar year to follow just quiet unmistakable service, in the back room with little fanfare and somewhat underappreciated thanks.

It is very good that we take special time to honour the good people that provide special work in our church, it raises us up alongside them. We need more often to show our support.

Take a moment with me on this Rally Sunday to also show our support for the countless other volunteers that keep the congregation running every Sunday and every other day of the week all year long, Those who usher, those who greet, those who ring the church bell, those who count the collection, those who stuff envelopes, those who make the corn and soup, those help with the mailout, those who tend the garden, those who set up chairs, those who handle doors open, those who help at coffee hour, those who serve at the annual meeting those who……………………the list is far too long the recognition oft far too sparse.

So let us take a vow together to pray for these people with thanks and recognition, to keep the Christian education, teachers and students , the Music program and the Choir in our prayers and hopes as we recognize and bless ALL who make our Church the special thing it is.

Noral R.