St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Reformation Sunday

Today was Reformation Sunday commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  The order of service used some 16th century reformation practices.  The sermon took the form of a Reformation Drama written, translated and directed by Huda Kandalaft.  St. Andreans with many hidden talents brought the characters to life.

The Reformation, also referred to as the Protestant Reformation, was a schism from the Catholic Church initiated by Martin Luther and continued by John Calvin and other early Protestant Reformers in 16th-century Europe. It is usually considered to have started with the publication of the Ninety-five Theses by Luther in 1517.

Through the drama we travelled from the time of the Apostle Peter, Augustine of Hippo, Constantine the Great, Jean d’Arc, Martin Luther, Francis of Assisi, an Orthodox Patriarch, a Gladiator, Queen Elizabeth 1, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway, captain of the Starfleet and then on to meet X, a fictional character representing the leader of the church in the future.  Scary and informative.  What a voyage!  

The reading from Romans 12: 4-8 tied in so well.  The body of the church has many members with different functions and different gifts.  The Reformation drama revealed the power of Christian Development in action - St. Andreans of different ages with different talents yet each with such faith.

Jeanie H.