St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday Lunch Blog - June 22

This week’s service was, for me, encapsulated by two thematically linked ideas: gardening and faithfulness – about how God is like a gardener, how we are agents of God when we do garden, and, with the lovely singing and spoken word presentation by the choir, the young voice of our psalm reader today, and the Grade Four Bible presentations, how God’s people too are the fruits and blossoms of the earth. Last year, I was watching online news sources intently for updates about the flood in my home city of Calgary and news of my evacuated relatives: I greet today with delight and gratitude the knowledge that it was those same relatives who were in turn intently watching this morning’s video simulcast of the children’s choir and our daughters reading. With the wonderfully silly and traditional picnic games: the tug of war, the three legged race and the egg and spoon, I am again heartened that these games have been played for hundreds of years. Continuity and spring are beautiful marks of God’s faithfulness to us.

Rebecca B.