St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Signs of Remembrance

Last Sunday we celebrated those who form our congregation who fought and some who died in the two world wars. Today however was the day after the Remembrance day services at the Cenotaph. As we struggle to find reason for war, and the loss of life and limb we sometimes look at those events as far and away from who and what we are. Fortunately here in Canada save the few military families who have had to deal with the direct result of the recent conflicts we have been involved in we have been immune to the worst of those pains.  While recent events like the shootings at the Mosque in Montreal and the killing of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo at the Cenotaph three short years ago have touched us more closely , this country has been blessed with relative security. Earned oft by the men and woman who wear the uniforms of our country.

Huda’s sermon brought it one step closer again as she and her family have witnessed and suffer the losses that strife and war bring. Broken families, wounded and dead friends and family, destroyed hoes and places of worship and shattered lives. It is difficult not to be moved by the pain and suffering she and her family have seen and suffered. The pictures she showed of the roof blown open at her home church some time ago put in stark contrast the life we live here and that of those abroad in zones of conflict and war. What many live with and endure is not only a testament to human spirit but to faith. Huda made it clear that there was a path to peace not only for the here and now but into the hereafter. Jesus is that path. As she read passages from Romans she showed us how Jesus made to build a bridge to reach across and to find that peace. Her words spoke of our need to find amongst the wreckage and despair the means to look beyond and find that peace.

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Noral R.