St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday January 18

Huda started her sermon this morning with an anecdote about a job applicant who listened carefully, figured out hidden cues and got the job.  As a retired educator, I was pleased to hear Huda reinforce the 'art' of listening - not just hearing but actively listening, waiting and giving of ourselves during the process.

In the Old Testament reading, Samuel was sure it was Eli calling him in the middle of the night in the temple but it was the Lord summoning him. In the New Testament, Nathanael was more of a cynic when Philip spoke to him and said they had found the one Moses wrote about - in Nazareth. He did follow Philip to 'come and see'.

It would do us all some good to slow down, hear the cues and really listen.  Daily noise can overwhelm us and then how attentive are we? Prayer can help us 'tune in' and maybe then we can hear God calling us to do something.

What word does God have for you?