St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday June 12

Today's service was invigorating, with a particularly moving vocal and trumpet solo to open it, and the great new energy brought in by the ordination of eleven new elders.  It was of particular interest for me to hear Rob R. read out the passage from St. Paul's letter to the Romans in contemporary language. 

Much as going to weddings reminds us our own wedding vows, attending a service of ordination of elders is a helpful reminder for us, whether we are elders, members, adherents or visitors to this church, of how our role involves bringing integrity to all of our work and life roles, and in that integrity seeking to do justice and follow the way of the Lord.  On a more mundane level, it is certainly encouraging to see the infusion of new energy that our substantial contingent of new elders can bring to the workings of our day-to-day worship, Christian education, and fellowship.  So, welcome, all!

Rebecca B.