St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday Lunch - August 10

That sinking feeling we experience at times, the one that is called by many names -- worry, fear, hopelessness; the one that is so real to us at times that it seems to overpower us,  was masterfully woven into a powerful sermon by our visiting Minister --Rev Bill MacLellan-- a sermon aptly entitled "That Sinking Feeling."

It was a griping introduction about the complexity of today's TV shows, which can be easily be divided into Reality TV and Unreal TV. However, neither is really what it is supposed to be! Somewhat like what the disciples experienced in Mathew 14:22-33.
The disciples must have felt their eyes were playing tricks on them when they saw their Lord walking on the water. It was a fearful time. The sea was turbulent and they were scared. But we are reminded that in the midst of the turbulence of life, the Salvation of God is there. And so Jesus appeared walking towards them and they thought it was a ghost! Reality or unreality?  

When Jesus announced that it was He who was coming towards them, that impetuous Peter asked to walk on the water also. And he started to walk on the water but when he saw the wind, instead of walking, he started to sink.

And this is where Faith and Trust comes in. How often we lack the faith and we allow situations to overpower us. Then we stop placing our trust in God's ability for every situation.

I learned this morning that our faith allows us to relax in the buoyancy of God, no matter what the situation. Thank God for His Grace and Salvation.