St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday Lunch - August 17

This morning with Rev Demaray, we read about Joseph meeting his brothers again in Egypt, this time while he was the one at the advantage. And our New Testament reading was the persistent Gentile woman that insisted Jesus heal her daughter.

The gentle admonition to ‘Get on with it’ was a good reminder for me. The past is past and the time comes when you just need to forgive those around you (and equally important, forgive yourself!) and move along. Rev. Demaray reminded us that the abuse young Joseph suffered at the hands of his brother was still wrong, but God had been working behind the scenes to redeem their dysfunction, if only they would not get bogged down in past mistakes. He reminded us that just last week (in our readings, at least) Peter had been chastised for being “of little faith,” and yet this Gentile woman was praised for her “great faith.” Peter, like Joseph, was going to have to Get on with it! and move forward.

How important it is that the grace of God is for all. Grace greater than we can imagine – grace big enough for Joseph’s bullying brothers, for a pushy Gentile woman, for a scared disciple that can only almost walk on water. Grace big enough for me – and my mistakes, too.