St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Sunday Lunch - August 3

The August long weekend was finally here  and this Sunday was exceptional --blue skies, warm zephyrs  fanning your face , and a just perfect summer day  in every  way. For many of us, this is a time for  the cottage,   to get out of town, for family and friends    and of course, with all the excitement comes --FOOD.

And here we were, serving  as Ushers  greeting all these people--- so many  families  and visitors  alike --- who preferred  to be in the Sanctuary at St Andrew's seeking FOOD --food for the Soul, than being anywhere else. And  Rev Bill  MacLellan, as  our visiting Minister was set to serve us "a Super-sized Lunch" (the title of the sermon).

The first hymn "Through the changing scenes of life" set the tone for deep reflection.  Yes! so many aspects of life are undergoing change and yet there is one Constant, One who never changes, the same yesterday, today and forever, God!

The Scripture Readings, Isaiah 55:1-5 and Mathew 14:13-21 illumined us and prepared us for the message.  The New Testament passage was indeed the familiar "Feeding of the Five thousand"  miracle --one that we had heard since we were children. And yet, Rev Bill wove  the fabric of his sermon around the caring that Jesus had for others -even at a time when he was suffering grief after the execution of his cousin. Rev Bill gave an insight into Herod's palace and the excesses of the privilege, wealthy ones contrasted against those  in want, those who didn't know where the next meal was coming from. And here was Jesus, the embodiment of compassion and love, when faced with a super-sized crowd of at least ten thousand in totality, serving up a super-sized lunch out of three pita bread loaves and two  fish!  

Indeed this was FOOD enough knowing that my Lord cared for me and my needs, and for everyone of us, in the same way.

The closing hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" gave us the assurance that God is always faithful in His promises. This was sustenance indeed!

It was good to be in the House of the Lord.

Beulah P.