St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Waters of Baptism - Sunday June 14

Photo: Donna Tomlinson on Flickr

The artwork on the front of the Order of Worship depicted a violent storm and I couldn't help but wonder what would be different today about this familiar story of Jesus stilling the storm.  As  we witnessed the baptism of little Victor C. during the first part of the service, instead of the cries of the infant, there was  a beauty and serenity during  the entire Sacrament  of Baptism.  Karen said we should remember our own baptism and the connection with water continued in her prayer as we realized that we started in water in our mothers' wombs and through Baptism,we become members of the community of Christians.

The  text for meditation was familiar, yet our Minister did an amazing job of bringing clarity to the incident in the boat, during the storm on the Sea of Galilee. "A ship is safe when it is in harbour. But ships were not meant to stay in harbour." We could almost feel the rocking of the boat and the fear of the disciples, while Jesus rested comfortably on a cushion. Then He awoke, rebuked the lack of faith in the disciples and stilled the storm.

And yes, we too are constantly buffeted by so many of life's storms --pains, illnesses, loss of employment, loss of loved ones, divorce and so many painful experiences... and we too lack the trust and the faith. Karen said, "Jesus is speaking to us-- Cant we  put our  trust in Him?"
The soothing words "Don't Be Afraid" resonated with me. These words are like a mantra -  "Don't be afraid, Jesus can still the storm. Put your trust in Him.

At the end there was a feeling of tranquility. The scene on the cover was no longer threatening. Yes, ships are at their safest in a harbour but that's not they are built for. We may not know what tomorrow will bring but we sure know who holds tomorrow.

Indeed, it was good to be in the house of the Lord.

Beulah P.