St. Andrew's Ottawa

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What are you waiting for?

I think that, sometimes, we Christians use prayer as a bit of a cop out. We think that, in praying for something, we have done all we can and that God will take care of the rest. We can check that off the list. Particularly at this time of year... "Come, Lord Jesus!" we cry over and over again, into the darkness. And then we sit back and wait for God to come into our midst and clean up our mess.

And yet the mess is still there on Boxing Day, isn't it?

Karen suggested a different kind of prayer to us this morning, though. A different way to be people of faith in this time of waiting. Basically, we need to get moving! Like the spy glass in her story, Micah and the other prophets show us that a different world is possible. Despite the fact that we are a mess, they remind us of God's love and show us the possibilities for our world.

And so it is up to us to carry the light of the candle of hope with us this week. There is so much darkness out there (literally and figuratively!), but that light is shining in us. It is up to us to go out and do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.

"You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. This is how prayer works."
Pope Francis


Laura S.