St. Andrew's Ottawa

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What do you do when you're away from St. Andrew’s travelling?

I find myself travelling for both work and pleasure. On those thankfully rare occasions that I find myself away from Ottawa on a Sunday I try to make an effort to find a service to attend. The search is not always successful to be honest. However, I have attended a few services at the Church of Scotland in Brussels where I often travel for work and even found an Evangelical Church recently in Ljubljana.

Last week we found ourselves in Boston visiting friends. A bit of internet research resulted in me driving over the Charles River to Cambridge, home of Harvard for a service at Christ The King Presbyterian Church. A relatively recent Church plant (1995), CTK Cambridge meets in a historic Congregational Church. The service was fairly traditional but the workshop band did sport some nice Bluegrass banjo. I reckon some 250 faithful attended the service.

To my great surprise and pleasure I, at a “youthful” 52 years old, was probably the oldest person there - and the only one wearing a suit and tie, although it was hot and humid.  The congregation were very welcoming and I spoke with students from around the world. As I dodged the rain on my way back to the car I counted another four Churches in two blocks. I was very happy to have found this little corner of God’s Kingdom on a wet Sunday morning. The sermon and bulletin can be found online at under the 31st of July.

Bruce F.