St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Who do you say I am?

The Mustard Seed.

 This Sunday we were progressing through the Lenten Season with lessons from Jesus as he inquired of his disciples “who do you say I am?” and foretelling of his sacrifice for us. Yet on the way through this journey of lent we were taken of stride.

 Karen before our service took a fall and hurt herself so we were treated to a surprise sermon from our Clerk of Session Rob Robertson. Now for some time Kirk Session had prepared for the possibility of our minister being unable due to weird circumstance being unable to attend and preach and three years of Rob’s preparation came to fruition.

 We pray for Karen to recover from her concussion very soon.

 We owe thanks to Rob for stepping up to take the mantle on short notice.

Now Rob has provided within the context of the wider church a special degree of dedication to the work of PWSD. His pride in their work, dedication to to the cause they so admirably support, the true joy of his remembrance of his direct observation of the proof of that work and his pleasing delivery were all on display and we all are the better for it.

 So instead of Mark 8:27-38 we were treated to the parable of the Mustard seed. Mathew 13 31-32

He set another man before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches."

 As Rob said not the same but very much answering the stated question. He related some absolutely wonderful illustrations of where Jesus’s love through our Christian outreach have turned small seed of PWSD support into important changes for people.

 Rob’s stories of PWSD work in Malawi for example were heartwarming and help us understand how every little bit can make a difference, even in Canada where the PWSD was instrumental in helping the community of Fort McMurray though the devastating wildfires. Of course he was careful to make sure that we understood that small gifts were very important but that larger gifts were not unwelcome to support greater projects. 😊

 The circumstance is sad and we ae pulling for a quick recovery for Karen but our “substitute” teacher is to be congratulated and thanks for stepping in. His passion and strength of belief were infectious.

Thank you Rob.

God’s blessings for the small and large gifts

Noral R.