St. Andrew's Ottawa

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World Communion Sunday

Image: John Stuart

I like World Communion Sunday. I like the idea of Christians across the world joining to share a meal together (even if we are separated by distance). When I worked with Presbyterian World Service & Development's partners in northern Malawi, home felt pretty far away most of the time. Not during communion, though. This meal, this ritual was carried out in a way that was familiar to me and reminded me of my nearness to the family of God. Even moving to Ottawa - I came to this city 10 years ago and knew almost no one. Joining in worship and communion at St. Andrew's, though, offered me a feeling of comfort, a feeling of being close to home. I like the idea of our Christian family gathering together symbolically, being united in this meal.

In the midst of this somewhat comfortable, familiar ritual, I felt a challenge in Karen's words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. We are made for good, for togetherness, for compassion. There is a lot of division and fear in our world today - even in God's church. And so, having been strengthened in our meal together this morning, I was challenged to go out into my world this week to look beyond fear and division. God's uniting love is more powerful. It is up to us to spread the message that we are all made for good.