St. Andrew's Ottawa

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Being Church

"...speak through the gentle wind of your holy word.... " What lovely words to begin the sermon this morning. Based in the scripture readings from Mark 9: 38-50 and James 5: 13-20, the sermon helped us in the understanding of 'Being Church'.

Huda pointed out that 'prayer is Jesus' recipe for tough times' and isn't that so true! Get rid of the stumbling blocks in life and pay attention to our words and actions. Put our prayers into action as the children and youth from VBS did this summer as they gathered school supplies for Syrian children.

People may ask: 'Why pray? If God is in control what is the use?' Our prayers become an action - not for ourselves but for others. The Church is called to minister in tough times. Although Rev. Durie ministered for only nine months at St. Andrew's Ottawa his relationship has not been forgotten.

So, how do we 'be' church? Remember to put prayer into action. Remember, we ARE the church, and wherever we go, Jesus goes with us.

Jeanie H.