BBQ season!

Summertime...and the livin' is easy!  Not sure about you but I love me some BBQ and I'm inviting you to join me in the courtyard each Wednesday evening in July to enjoy the weather, enjoy the company of your friends and to explore the Midsomer Miracles at St. Andrew's.

It promises to be a time of fun and discussion so bring yourselves, bring a salad and come and join us for supper each Wednesday in July at 6:00.  Discussion begins at 7:00 but we can't get your point of view if you're not there.  And feel free to bring a friend too.

Laura M.

Message from the Moderator of the PCC: Pray for the People of Fort McMurray.

We are deeply saddened by the fires of Fort McMurray. We cannot begin to imagine the stress and panic that many must be feeling as they sit helplessly watching these unfolding events. We are also mindful of the exhaustion firefighters on the front lines must be feeling. Our prayers are clearly with everyone facing these challenges. May God’s strength uphold all those seeking to cope with this tragedy and may the desperately needed rains come quickly.

The Rev. Karen Horst
Moderator, 2015 General Assembly

Donations to relief efforts can be made through Presbyterian World Service & Development.
Please mark your donation as Alberta Fires.



White Gift Sunday

This year, St. Andrew’s will support Queen Mary Public School on White Gift Sunday, December 13.  Principal Cindy Beauchamp writes, "Our small school desperately needs new books. Many of the books on our shelves are terribly out of date. Our school demographic is such that we are unable to raise funds for the library on our own." (See below for suggested books to purchase and donate.)

We have also accepted the invitation to support the school with a Queen Mary Mitten Tree!  We are invited to support the school with the collection of warm mittens for children ages 4 to 12.


White Gift Book List:

Picture Books:
The Book with No Pictures - B.J. Novak
Awesome Is Everywhere - Neil Pasricha
Mix it Up - Herve Tullet
Press Here - Herve Tullet
The Lorax - Dr. Seuss
Red Leaf Yellow leaf - Lois Ehlert
The Leaf Man - Lois Ehlert
Snowballs - Lois Ehlert
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly -  Lucille Colandro


Chapter Books:
Dork Diaries #10 (Tales from a Not-So-Perfect Pet) - Rachel Renee Russell
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #10 (Old School) - Jeff Kinney

Graphic Novels:
Babysitters Club (Graphic Novel series) - Ann M. Martin
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Graphic Novel series) - Rick Riordan
Anything with Superheroes


General Topics:
Puppy and Kitten books
How to Draw books: Star Wars, Anime, Superheroes
Character Encyclopedias & Visual Dictionaries: Star Wars, Superheroes
World Record books


Refugee Settlement

A couple of weeks ago a bulletin insert and a short piece in St Andrew’s In Action advised the congregation about ways to support Syrian refugees in the midst of this humanitarian crisis. Since then, our application to sponsor the A. family of three has been accepted by the federal government and forwarded to our embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, for processing. And most recently, the family was interviewed by Canadian officials, and they were told they can now expect to be interviewed again for security purposes and for a medical check.

It is anticipated that this particular sponsorship application process will move quickly given the government’s recent emphasis on processing refugee cases from Syria. While it is difficult to predict the future with accuracy, it is quite likely that the A. family will arrive before this Christmas. In these circumstances it is important to look again at our financial support for this sponsorship through our Millennium Refugee Support Fund. If you have been thinking about financial support for the A. family sponsorship, now is the time to act. I hope you will give this important outreach ministry your prayerful consideration.


If you'd like to help, here are some items we'll be needing to help welcome our family to Canada.

Parents age 30's & child 5 years

Household Furnishings
Queen & Single Beds
Bedside Tables
Queen Sheets
Single Children Sheets
Blankets Queen & Single

Dining Room
Place mats (4-6)
Living Room
Sofas (double & single)
Coffee table, Side tables (2)
T.V. & T.V. stand

Toaster, Kettle
Set of Dishes (plates, bowls, mugs/cups) (4-6)
Cutlery set (for 4-6)
Set of Glasses (6-8)
Serving dishes (Corningware like)
Set of Pots & Pans
Serving spoons

Towels, Bath mats
Bath set – toothbrush holder, soap dish, cups etc.
Toilet brush set, Shower curtain

Winter coat & clothing for Mother (size 8)
Winter coat & clothing for Father (medium)
Winter coat & clothing for Daughter (5 years old)

If you have questions or offerings please call Barbara S. via 613-232-9042




Peter L & Barbara S.

What is the church doing about the refugee crisis?

Many of us have been moved recently by news coverage of refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria and making a hazardous journey to start a new life in Europe and beyond, as homeless strangers seeking a new home.

In the face of a humanitarian crisis like this, some may ask you - you may be wondering yourself - about what the church is doing, and the insert in the bulletin is intended to give you some basic information.

Here at St. Andrews we have a long history of coming to the aid of refugees that goes back to the plight of Vietnamese boat people in the 1970’s.

The A. family is our next sponsorship obligation, and after many months of preparation we are now on the point of filing the application with the federal government. There will still be a waiting period, likely of some months, before the family arrives, and in the meantime the settlement team chaired by Barbara S. will be hard at work to prepare for the arrival of the family.

You can support St. Andrew’s sponsorship program by cheque. We established the millennium refugee sponsorship fund at the turn of the new millennium in 2000 when the Kirk Session, on behalf of the congregation, decided to re-invigorate our program of refugee sponsorship. Since that time we have helped several families to settle in Canada.

If you visit the website of Presbyterian World Service &Development you will see a more detailed description of the work that the Presbyterian Church in Canada is doing to support refugees worldwide, and especially Syrian refugees.

With the announcement yesterday that the federal government intends to spend more money to assist Syrian refugees, it is likely that your donation to PWS&D will be matched by a contribution of federal money.

We know that the number of people afflicted in this way is in the millions, and some will no doubt say that the mere size of the task is beyond our means. There is no doubt that our leaders face a substantial challenge, but I suggest to you that as Christians we cannot simply throw up our hands as if to say that because we cannot do everything that therefore we will do nothing.

So what shall we do?

As you will see from the PWS&D website, as a denomination we are asked to pray for refugees everywhere, and learn more about the root causes of large scale population movements around the world. And in addition to the financial support and the concrete work of sponsorship that I have already mentioned, we are asked by the national church to advocate on behalf of displaced people, perhaps by writing a letter to our political representatives, especially at the federal level, both those who are currently serving and those who these days are seeking to serve.

May God give us grace faithfully to continue the work of hospitality.
Peter L.

Matthew 25:34-40
Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”


Update from the PWS&D website: On September 12, 2015, the Government of Canada announced the establishment of the Syria Emergency Relief Fund. For all eligible donations made until December 31, the Government of Canada will contribute a matching amount towards Canada’s “Syria Emergency Relief Fund.” For more information about the government’s matching program, click here.