Sunday Lunch Blog - June 29

We welcomed back The Rev. Bob Hill today, June 29. His sermon was ‘What makes a nation great?’ As I was spending some time with the Church School before the sermon I thought I had the answer – our children and youth! We have an exceptional group at St. Andrew’s and I feel confident in the future.

Rev. Hill reminded us that a great nation must be moral and compassionate. A great nation must be a moral nation – respect for people. How we treat others is how we treat God. Humorously, he spoke about how morality would reduce our country’s debt! Debt costs us so imagine what life would be without crime and the associated costs!

Morality is character being exercised. We end up with a sense of value of ourself. Character is what you do when no one is looking….Worth thinking about.

We must ‘walk the walk’ and experience the reality. If we move away from God we will turn to other means in our lives. It was fascinating to learn that one of the earliest signs of civilization was a healed broken limb – it showed someone cared. Evidence of compassion is a first sign of civilization.

God wants us to be great and to endure…not to be disposable like a paper cup.
Jeanie H.

Sunday, May 18

At today’s service, the topic of discussion was the reconciliation and healing within Canada with our aboriginal people. Today was indeed the 20th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s confession of its role in residential schools. I learned what an important step this was for aboriginals and for the church, in coming to terms with the wrongs that were committed, so that all could move forward with confidence in a future where such injustices won’t take hold again.

Much attention was focused today on the legacy of residential schools, a dark and sad chapter in our country’s history. This was also part of the church school lesson for the children. I joined my kids to hear a story, told through the eyes of a modern aboriginal child. The story was of his older relative’s experience with residential schools. I walked away with the strong feeling that telling such stories is important, not to assign blame or guilt, but to promote understanding, and ensure all of us understand the impacts this era had.

Reconciliation is a building block. It will help the next generations – both aboriginal and non-aboriginal – to have an understanding of our shared history and a mutual respect for culture, language and tradition. And it will help our young people to recognize the potential each one of them has, regardless of their background or upbringing, to not only succeed for themselves, but to pass that success on to the generations that come after.

Mike S.