MARK 10: V. 46-52

For such a short reading there is a lot to ponder. As a blind person, Bartimaeus was on the margins of society. His cloak shielded him yet he threw it off. He called out to Jesus determined to get his attention. Perhaps he was used to being silenced but this time he persisted. Jesus asked Bartimaeus ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ His response was simple, clear and confident. Sometimes we are more blind than Bartimaeus. How often do we ask others ‘What can I do for you?’ How can I help?

It was interesting to learn from Rev. Karen that Bar means son of in Aramaic, a language similar to Hebrew and the common language of Palestinian Jews in Jesus’ day. Bar means son and timao means honor, so Bartimaeus means son of honor. The man’s circumstances (a blind beggar) stand at odds with his pretentious name (son of honour).

Jeanie H.

St. Andrew's 190th Anniversary


Reflecting on this week’s 190th anniversary of St Andrew’s, I see a strong resonance between Andrew Johnston’s sermon topic (Psalm 1:3) about the tree planted by the waters and the youth choir’s presentation of the song “Peace like a River”.  It was wonderful to see Andrew and Bea and so many others who have been a part of St Andrew’s Church Family. It is remarkable how the church has sustained so many of us in Christ over so many years.  I am writing this on in-flight wifi, missing this morning’s service on a business trip and while that is unfortunate, it is also a telling example of the church’s breadth of reach, and the legacies of Andrew and Karen and the Ministers before and to follow, far out into time and space. Reflecting on St Andrew’s, I am grateful.

Rebecca B

This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it!


As I was driving to church today knowing that I was signed up for the blog, I wondered what would inspire me...what would speak to me in such a way that I would feel compelled to comment. Would it be the note from Karen sent this week? Would it be the sermon? Would it be a hymn?

And then it struck me that we are all on the cusp of new beginnings. We are enjoying the sunny crisp days of fall, a new season and one that marks a turning point in the year. As we munch on apples which are surely best picked during this season, we know that the long hot hazy days of summer are behind us and we have much to look forward to with colours and hot chocolate and cozy evenings.

And then we had the joy of a baptism today, surely the best of all new beginnings. As the proud parents presented their child as a member of Christ’s community, we must all feel the thrill of ordinary water being changed to something greater in order to welcome her into her new life. The course of her life has changed forever as she is cherished and guided by all her sisters and brothers in the church and by our Lord.

And lastly we had the immense pleasure of receiving the message from a student of Presbyterian College, Clara Maranzano who is looking forward to her next new beginning. Clara shared that Jesus’ message wasn’t always easy to process and flew in the face of conventional wisdom. We accumulate so that our lives will be eased and comfortable but Jesus tells us that in order to find this new beginning, we must sell all our worldly possessions and give the money to the poor. Certainly a tough message in today’s world where quid pro quo is the norm. But in God all things are possible and our challenges are to examine the order of our priorities in order to find our new life, our new beginning. As Clara said, Jesus’ challenges were issued through love rather than any other motivation.

As we look forward to our new week, we must greet each new day as a new beginning. This is
the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it!

Laura M.

Breaking Bread

Thanksgiving and Communion. Breaking bread.

Today we celebrate both Thanksgiving and World Communion Day. The parallels are obvious. We celebrate with joy the gifts that we have been given to us in our life both spiritual and temporal. We get together to share a meal and celebrate our fellowship. Kith and kin gather, as in the last days with Jesus to celebrate life, friendship, our treasures and tribulations and hopes for the future.

Jesus made us the promise of a brighter tomorrow in fellowship with him as he took the sins of the world upon himself.

1 Corinthians 11:23 – 25, “The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

When we gather for communion or Thanksgiving it is an opportunity to show the unity of spirit and bonds of fellowship. Our hearth and home are our place of strength and solace as Jesus is for our salvation.

Ephesians 4:3-5: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope when you were called – one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all in all.”

The idea of breaking bread has always been a sign of open friendship. To break bread is to open ones home and meal to those we show a trust and faith in. Jesus did us that same honour. To feast with someone is to get to know then to open up to trust and friendship.

 Originally Thanksgiving was a liturgical celebration marking the end of harvest in Europe. The origins of North American Thanksgiving are under some debate BUT……. It was celebrated in Canada long before the pilgrims came to the US.

According to some historians, the first celebration of Thanksgiving in North America occurred during the 1578 voyage of Martin Frobisher from England, in search of the Northwest Passage.

So no poor American cousin even if Mr. Trump thinks else wise.

Our wish to all, is that the basis of breaking bread where we open our doors to friends and family to share in a celebration of life, faith and hope imbues your celebration.

In loving remembrance of Jesus and his promise to us.

Noral R.

The courage to show up


Today's scripture reading told the story of Jesus' healing of the sick woman who had bled for twelve years and the raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead.  In her sermon, Rev. Dimock spoke of the courage it took the sick woman to show up among a crowd that viewed her as 'unclean' in order to reach Jesus and to receive healing.  She also spoke of the courage Jairus, a religious leader, a member of an organization which felt threatened by Jesus.  Both of these individuals had to be willing to be vulnerable to receive healing.  They had to have faith, courage and humility.  The woman had to endure people shrinking away from her as she approached them.  Jairus had to be willing to humble himself before Jesus, to rise above any lingering mistrust he may have had as one of the synagogue leaders who were at loggerheads with Jesus.  Both had to face the risk of rejection.  Listening to the sermon this morning I felt I had a lot to learn from these two individuals.

Rev. Dimock quoted research professor Dr. Brené Brown who said "The difficult thing is that vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I’m willing to show you. In you, it’s courage and daring. In me, it’s weakness."  I can certainly relate to that!  For many years I took pride in being self-contained, stoic and pragmatic.  I didn't find a lot of joy in living like that and certainly not a lot of courage.  And in the end I found this type of shell doesn't protect you from the upheavals in life that sooner or later come to us all. 

Pastor John Orteg writes in his book Soul Keeping, "Sooner or later, your world will fall apart.  What will matter then is the soul you have constructed." I believe that those who are willing to tread the more difficult paths in life with open hearts, embracing their vulnerability, and reaching out to others in a fullness of faith, not only come out stronger but find, even in those difficult times, that "peace that surpasses all understanding" - Philippians 4:7.  The woman who showed up in today's scripture reading would not have been healed if she hadn't had the courage to be vulnerable and approach Jesus.  By having the courage to tell her story about the orange shirt her grandmother made her and open up about the pain of her experiences in the residential school system, Phyllis Webstad also opened the door to healing.  I left today's service with a lot to think about.

Melanie A.

Fearfully and wonderfully

When listening to Karen today about what happens when we are fearful, one of the recurring thoughts in my head is the fears that many of our local neighbours have been experiencing since Friday.  Some were directly in the tornados/storm with little protection, some have lost their homes and/or businesses, some are currently needing hospital care as a result of the tornados/storm, and some are still without power. 

This is the time we see a community come together and demonstrate the wonderful ways that God has created us to be loving and faithful neighbours - from those that have opened up their doors, to helping out at the local shelters etc..  While this how He wonderfully made us, we pray for all those living in fear of not sure what is next after this devastation and that we as His wonderful and faithful servants seek out ways that we can help our neighbours in need.

Colleen G.