St. Andrew's Sunday School

Sunday April 28

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the webinar on Eco-Anxiety and Habits of Hope run by the Presbyterian Church in Canada led by Rev. Dr. Pam McCarroll.  I found it really helpful and wanted to share some (abbreviated) takeaways:

  1. The climate crisis reflects a spiritual crisis of meaning and purpose.  As our earth home and earth family is threatened, we too can feel threatened in body, mind and soul.

  2. Biblical hope is not one that ignores the bad news but engages with it.  As people of faith have before us, we can stand in the midst of threat and loss and continue to hope.

  3.  Habits of hope include: Practicing presence (through gratitude, awe and humility), acknowledging loss, and reconnecting to life through engaged action.                                                                 

  If you'd like to chat about any of this, please get in touch.  As you can tell, I'm pretty passionate about exploring this further with others who are interested. 

Thanks to Stacey and Aisling for leading Earth Day Sunday School with me last week.  This week we are looking at the story from Acts 12 about an angel freeing Peter from prison.  A family page is attached. 

Remember to bring in your donations for the Centretown Community Food Centre this week.

We are getting ready for our second PA Day Camp on Friday June 7th.  We are in need of a few more volunteers, especially youth helpers.  If your child is in the OCDSB and is in grade 6,7 or 8, we'd love to have them participate.  Please let me know if you're interested.  I'd also love a sense from parents who are interested in registering their children, before we open it up to the public.

Coming up

Sunday May 5th First Sunday gathering for youth in grades 5-8 after worship.  Labyrinth field trip this month!

Registration is now open for Uplift : Audacious Hope conference at Brock University July 3-7.  This is an amazing faith shaping opportunity for youth and adults.

Peace and blessings to you,

Rev. Heather Paton