Faith Conversations and Fellowship Gatherings

 Your invitation to ZOOM and in person activities at St. Andrew’s!

The many ways we are staying connected these days

Bible Study: First and third Tuesday each month at 10:30am led by Rev. Dr. Karen Dimock. Studying the Gospel of Mark. Contact Rev. Karen at for the Zoom link.

Book Club: A monthly gathering of curious people exploring books new and old together in Christian discussion. All welcome!

Church School: Sundays during worship service, in person only.

Craft Group: Every second Monday morning at 10:30am. Join us! Contact Gail Bowes.

Film Nights: Outings to local theatres followed by discussion afterwards. Check the Film Group link above for future dates of discussion and film choices.

Men’s Fellowship: Held the last Monday of each month at 7:00pm. All are very welcome. Contact Jim Paulin.

Prayer Group: Led by Yvette D. Every Wednesday evening at 5:00pm in the Pottinger room. All are welcome!

Women’s Breakfast: Third Saturday’s in the month at 9:00 am for a sharing of faith and fellowship. Contact the Church office to register.

Women’s Coffee Group: Second, fourth and fifth Tuesdays of each month at 10:30am. Contact Sheila S. through the church office to register

Women’s Guild: All women of the congregation are invited to join us the first Thursday morning of the month at 10:30am, as we support the work of the church and the community. Contact Jill Collins-Williams

Youth Group: meets in person and outdoors monthly and keeps in touch by email and zoom. Contact Aisling or Rev. Heather Paton through the church office.