St. Andrew's Ottawa

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December 24, 2022 – 6:00PM Christmas Eve A Service of the Nativity


We are people gathered by God from across the National Capital area, to be a witness of Christian hope at the centre of the region CHRISTMAS EVE 2022 |

A Service of the Nativity | Pageant and Carols


Organ Prelude

Matthew Larkin, organist

Over 100 people, from the ages of 2 to 82 years old, were asked to fill in the blank for the

statement: “My story is….” From the voices of different generations, hear their answers:

Teenagers: Amazing! Children: Just beginning. Adults: A wee bit messy, with lots of love.

Older Adults: Privileged. Teenagers: Hopeful. Children: Full of silliness.

Adults: Still unfolding. Older Adults: Long, but good. Teenagers: One of resilience.

Children: Incomplete, thank goodness. Adults: Multilingual. Older Adults: A work in progress.

Teenagers: My story is not just mine, it is tied to yours.

Tonight we tell the story that we tell each year – the story of Christ’s birth, the story of love made flesh. It’s a story that weaves through every generation. It’s a story that picks up the bits and pieces of our narrative and braids us together.

Adults: So tonight we will tell the story and light the Christ candle, because from generation to generation, our story belongs to God.

All together: Thanks be to God for a love like that, Amen.

Hymn 159 Oh come, all ye faithful vv 1-3 “Adeste fideles” Anonymous

Words: Latin, John Francis Wade (1711-1786) trans F. Oakeley (1802-1880)

Prayers of Approach & Confession

Assurance of God’s Love

Prayer of Illumination

A Service of the Nativity

Scene 1: Mary hears from God

Luke 1: 26 - 38

Hymn 136 The first nowell vv 1,3,6 “The First Nowell” English traditional carol

Scene 2: Joseph must decide what to do

Matthew 1: 18 - 24

Scene 3: The Census Problem

Hymn 164 O Little Town of Bethlehem vv 1-3 “Forest Green” English traditional

Words: Phillips Brook (1835-1893)

Scene 4: The Bethel Inn

Hymn 153 Joy to the World “Antioch” Lowell Mason ( 1792-1872)

Words: Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

Scene 5: Message to the Shepherds

Luke 2: 1 – 7, 8 - 19

Our Response to the Good News of Great Joy

Scene 6: The Gifts of the Magi

Matthew 2: 1 - 12

Invitation to the Offering or envelopes are located in the pews

Offering Hymn 138 While shepherds watched “Winchester old” Este’s Psalter (1592)

Words: Nahum Tate (1652-1715)

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Lighting Christ Candle Insert Laurentine Mouchingham Mefire and family

Hymn 154 Silent night “Stille Nacht” Franz Gruber (1787-1863)

Words: German, trans. John Freeman Young (1820-1885)

The Sending: We Go out into God’s World

Charge and Benediction

Organ Postlude

(You are invited to STAND, if you are able, where indicated by )

The pageant portion of this service is inspired and adapted from Cloth for the Cradle,

copyright Wild Goose Resource Group © 1997 WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow G51 3UU, Scotland.

Call to worship by Reverend Sarah Speed.

From Generation to Generation © 2022 | A Sanctified Art LLC | All Rights Reserved.