Spring Special Communion Service and Afternoon Tea
Saturday, May 25th from 2 to 4 PM
Photo Credit: Ian MacKay
Our Spring Special Communion Service and afternoon tea on Saturday, May 25 at 2 pm. The service will take place in the Sanctuary at St. Andrews and will be followed by afternoon tea and fellowship in Grant Hall immediately afterwards.
This service has not been held since 2019 due to Covid restrictions and we are delighted that it is returning this spring. It is a service for those who have difficulty attending the regular Sunday church services, have missed the Communion Sundays or who would simply like to join us for an intimate time of worship and fellowship on a Saturday afternoon with friends. Our Minister, the Rev. Dr. Karen Dimock will conduct the service and we are looking forward to organ music, hymn singing and a soloist.
If you are concerned about parking and the walk from the Supreme Court building, we will be pleased to assist you by parking the car for you. Just drive up to the Kent Street door and our driver will meet you. Members of Pastoral Care will be on hand throughout the afternoon to assist you.
Please RSVP to the Church Office by telephone 613-232-9042or by email to office@standrewsottawa.ca to let us know you are coming as well as the names of any who are driving you and will be joining us for the tea as well
We look forward to seeing you on May 25.