
Ascension of Christ, from the Drogo Sacramentary, Folio 71v, ca. 845-855, Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Ascension of Christ, from the Drogo Sacramentary, Folio 71v, ca. 845-855, Bibliothèque Nationale de France

There have been many special moments that I have experienced at St. Andrew’s since I joined a few years ago. One of those special moments is the pastoral care special communion service that is held twice a year for our St. Andrean family who have difficulty making it out on Sundays.

The pastoral care team organizes so many aspects of this day to make it special for all. Many of those that attend share stories of St. Andrew’s past, and feel home when seeing old familiar faces and sitting in the pews listening to God’s words.

During the service, Karen spoke about the Ascension and how we look up in wonder though noting that Jesus is always walking beside us. When we think about life there are many times were we look in wonder and ask God why? though Jesus is always walking with us. Whether good or bad times of life, we may seek the why from God. Through all of life's joys and challenges, Jesus is with us and we see His face and love in the powerful ministry of our Pastoral Care team.

Colleen G.